Listing instructions and guidelines for the Sawing and Drying Directory:

BE SURE to carefully review the instructions and guidelines below. Inappropriate listings will be removed!

The Sawing and Drying Directory allows sawyers, lumber drying companies, and lumber graders to list their services at the Sawing and Drying Directory. Use of the Sawing and Drying Directory is free of charge. Listings are limited to one per company.

Note: Only companies engaged in the business of sawing, drying, or grading are permitted listings at the Sawing and Drying Directory. Companies that sell or handle equipment related to primary processing, or companies that offer consulting services are not appropriate for the Sawing and Drying Directory ... these types of listings will be removed. You will be notified if your listing is removed.

The Sawing and Drying Directory is a venue to list the services your company offers, and is not intended to promote the products your company sells. Listings that promote a company's products will be removed. If your company services, supports, or provides materials to sawyers or kiln operations, Click Here to find out how WOODWEB can help with your company's Web advertising plans.

If you are unsure whether your company belongs in the Sawing and Drying Directory, Click Here to describe your company in an email message. If your listing was removed and you feel your company is appropriate for the Sawing and Drying Directory, send an email message asking for a review of your company.

All required fields must be filled out in order to submit your listing.

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