Resume Index

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Resume Posting Instructions

The 'subject' or title of your posting should be short and to the point, containing only information specific to an employment position or your area of expertise, e.g.: Jr. CNC Operator, or Entry-level Joinery. This is the line that attracts employers to look at your resume. Make it snappy, but don't be misleading.

In posting your resume, you may use HTML to highlight certain pieces of information. To do this, use the following instructions to designate bold, italicized, or underlined words or phrases when entering the 'content' of your resume.

To bold: <b>   To unbold: </b>
To italicize: <i>   To unitalicise: </i>
To underline: <u>   To remove underline: </u>

Please preview you resume before posting to make sure information is correct.

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This question relates to a professional or industrial woodworking situation (read guidelines)
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>             >



WoodTRACKS On-line:
WoodTRACKS is an innovative web based strategy that links high school students, and others, who have been awarded WoodLINKS certification with employers recruiting the best and the brightest employees for job opportunities in the wood products sector.

WoodTRACKS provides a central location for WoodLINKS certificate holders to post resumes and employment related information. Wood products employers are provided with unlimited access to these bright and motivated young people who have chosen the wood products industry for the challenging employment opportunities available in the sector.

WoodTRACKS resume posting is only available to those who have been awarded WoodLINKS certification.

The WoodLINKS industry-education partnership is a unique program that assists schools in providing relevant, industry-supported, broad-based career education to secondary school students. Students who successfully complete the program receive international, industry-recognized, certification. Industry and educators throughout Canada and the US recognize WoodLINKS as a leading-edge example of industry-education cooperation that helps students get jobs and helps industry access potential employees with an appropriate educational foundation.

WoodLINKS is a non-profit society created, in partnership with industry and education, to respond to the wood industry's need for better-qualified, entry-level employees. Its mandate is to ensure that students, teachers and parents are knowledgeable about the value-added wood industry and the challenging career opportunities it provides.

WoodLINKS works with high schools, post-secondary institutions and industry to develop wood manufacturing programs in schools, and provide practical training opportunities, career counseling and information for students and teachers.

WoodTRACKS On-Line Resume Posting:
To post your resume on the WoodTRACKS website, you must be a WoodLINKS Certificate holder. If you require the current user id and password or would like information on WoodLINKS Certification, please
contact WoodLINKS.

The security of this website and the content submitted is very important to WoodLINKS. For this reason a confidential user id and password is issued only to WoodLINKS certified students. WoodLINKS strongly encourages parents and students to work together to ensure that resume information posted on WoodTRACKS On-Line is appropriate for public viewing.

WoodLINKS assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, content, or outcome of any posting transmitted at WoodTRACKS On-line. WoodLINKS and WOODWEB reserve the right to delete any messages deemed inappropriate.

Click here to post your resume.

Contact WoodLINKS:
2900 – 2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
tel: 604-822-1693
fax: 604-822-3062

Managing Director:
Sandy Steward
tel: 604-822-0821

Wilf Torunski
tel: 604-822-0815

Program Co-ordinator:
Cory Williams
tel: 604-822-1692

Project Co-ordinator:
Opreet Kang
tel: 604-822-1693