We engineer, machine, and build pneumatic clamps and accessories for woodworkers to work safer and more efficiently.


The Airtight Advantage



Built with safety first

Clamps allow part to be fastened at 90psi - and keep hands and fingers away from cutter blades and tooling.

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Speed up jobs large and small

Clamps compress and later release in fractions of a second, and allow for a quick and steady cut through the part. With each cut more accurate, overall assembly time goes down.

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Pressurized for precision

Clamps lock part in place - and pressurized by air compression - keep it there until the part is cut or shaped.



With forty years of experience as a woodworker and metalworker, Mac Campshure built his first pneumatic clamp system in 2006 for his own shop. After sharing with colleagues eager for their own set, Airtight Clamps was established to solve an unmet need in the woodworking industry for safe and efficient pneumatic clamping systems. 

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 What Customers Say About Us

I straight lined about 1500’ of rough sawn 8/4 oak over the past three days, and the clamps are incredible. a total game-changer for speed, safety, efficiency.
— David Zaret