Sofa table

Listing #1067 Listed on: 01/29/2008 Company Name:
Name: Jose Berenguer

Sofa table, single wide cherry board, figure hard maple apron and drawer front,tigermaple and walnut legs. Legs look delicate but surprisingly strong.

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Posted By:Gene Wymer
COOOOLLLL,Did you inlay the legs??
Posted By:Jose Berenguer
Thanks Gene, the legs were made by gluing the contrasting woods together and after dry riping them in half and regluing them back again but this time reverse the one half so you end up with 4 corners of contrasting woods. After dry I trimed to final dimention and shape the teper on the ends with a table saw or joiner, then I taper the the rest of the leg in the joiner by lowering the infeed table an increment every pass.
Posted By:emanuel sammut
This is first class. Recently I made a vanity unit using contrasting wood, alder and african walnut. the effect is really nice. What finishing did you use. Manuel
Posted By:Jose Berenguer
I used lacker for this one, but most small projects I used oil finish like lindeed oil and Minwax wipe on poly.

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