Formal Dining Room in mahogany

Listing #2363 Listed on: 10/31/2009 Company Name: Conundrum Designs, Inc.
Name: Scott C Reuman

I cross the line of design style many many times. Here's the more traditional end of what I do. Which do I like best? Both have creative elements -- I don't do reproductions, just designs of my own -- and there are always moments and parts that take a creative new approach, whatever the style. Have you found that to be true?

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Posted By:D Brown

Beautiful work , the corner buffet is initself an awesome piece of work . Do you do all the carving yourself ?
Posted By:Scott
Thanks for the compliment. Yes, the carving is also something I did and do. It's fun to see something like an image of a tree come from a slice of tree: nature from nature, so to speak.
Posted By:Ken Havinga
Hi Scott. This is really beautiful work. Inspiring!
Posted By:Scott
Thanks, Ken. I appreciate you taking a moment to write and compliment. It is quite a "cosmic blessing" that I get to do this work for my living.

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