
Listing #238 Listed on: 10/17/2005 Name: kol

I've been looking into starting my own logging business and to be quite honestly couldn't find the right truck to haul the logs. So I had to make it myself. he he. Enjoy

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Posted By:kol

when you love woodworking there's nothing more gratifying then finishing a free time project that has taken 8 months to complete. I would walk by it everyday and point at it and say "you are next" like I was the chinese guy off of bloodsport telling van dam he's next. Anyways takes my mind off of all the cayoss in the shop, the lack of work or to much of, mistakes, or just plain jobs that I hate to build. But it's all woodworking and that's what I do and who I am. Hope this inspires everyone to love what they do more and please keep looking to see my next project. (a carving in deep relief in pine)

Posted By:ROD HAYS

That a work of art,not to be confused with work.

Looks great

Posted By:Desertdave

Kol- that is a great piece of work! Takes some real patience to build and make those small intricate pieces. Keep on truckin brother! :-)

Posted By:BO


Posted By:db

i bet the engine was the hardest part to make.boring the cylinders must've been tough,and a wooden radiator had to be
cool truck,nice work.

Posted By:Dave Winters

Wow!! Nice stuff. Congratulations on a great piece.

Posted By:Matt Mills

I hardly think wooden exhaust pipes are a good idea, but to each his own.

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