Cherry End Table

Listing #2684 Listed on: 04/06/2010 Company Name: Athens Woodworks
Name: Scott M

Cherry end table - This is my first posting, please let me know your thoughts

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Posted By:Chris Murphy
Nice piece, I like cherry and mission. i dont see them together that much.
Posted By:dick
It looks pretty good. I like to run my grain across on the top and bottom, but that doesn't mean it is right or wrong. Looks like there are some runs over the edge of the top and I would alternate the growth rings in the top.
Posted By:Steve
I like that you incorporated elements that make cherry...cherry. You can see some sap, color variation and light gum pockets on the top. This is the beauty of cherry. When it's too consistent it might as well be alder or maple. Nice work!
Posted By:scottm
Thanks for the comments..Dick, you are right, I noticed some of the runs after I took the photo, and was able to fix them. I also like your suggestion on running the grain side-to side, instead of front to back..I am going to try that on the next table.
Posted By:Mike
Alternating the growth rings isn't so necessary with kiln dried lumber. Having the best show side up takes priority. I've had a few tops with alternating growth rings that cupped.

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