Really Custom Cherry Kitchen

Listing #2735 Listed on: 05/12/2010 Company Name: David Allen Miller
Name: David Miller

This was a 1963 Ranch kitchen originally, with not a lot of cabinet space, lots of gray, and a bit cramped overall. Well, it's changed a bit I think.

Custom cherry cabinets. Door lift up on upper cabinets. All drawers and doors have 'soft close' features.

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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:chris w
I've never seen aything quite like that split upper concept. I like it. I'm not sold on the glass tile backsplash.
Posted By:Bill J
Very attractive. Nice workmanship. I'm not sure how well the split upper cabinet would work for a short person.
Posted By:Graeme
Really nice look. I have not seen that split concept before either. I hope you made them a step stool to go with it.

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