Maple Rocker Prototype

Listing #2915 Listed on: 09/27/2010 Company Name: Duffin Woodworking, Inc
Name: Bret Duffin

I'm wanted to add chair making to my repertoire so I built this prototype maple rocking chair, my first full sized rocker.

I started from scratch and created my own design although heavly influenced by the "Maloof" style.

I was successful in making a comfortable, stucturally sound, and IMHO, an attractive chair. A good starting point to let my design evolve from.

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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:gringo
Well done, very tasty work
Posted By:Jeremy T.
Nice! Maloof himself would have been impressed.
Posted By:steve
I think you've pulled it off. Maloof wud not be aloof :p
Posted By:rick
simply beautiful woodworking. God has truly gifted you. how long would it take to build one? was it a prototype? how much would you charge for two each unfinished?

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