Sapele Hall Table

Listing #302 Listed on: 03/12/2006 Name: Brian Sheldon

Company Name: Sheldon Fine FurnitureIt's been a bit of time but I thought I would post it here to get some feedback. This was the first time I used this wood, and was amazed at its figure and beauty. It was made out of Quarter-Sawn African Sapele. The mitered top was done with again, Sapele and Lyptus, with an accent border of Ash. As always, dovetailed drawers on a unique drawer glide system I developed while designing this piece.

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Posted By:David Heath

Very nice table. I love that wood. I will have to try some of that one of these days.

Posted By:Brian Sheldon

Thanks, it's an amazing wood to work with. I was up at woodcraft and couldn't help myself. It's one of those woods you have to see wet or finished to see the rays and strings of grain change. It's a pretty reasonable price to work with too and great for building furniture. It cuts very well even considering it being such a dense wood.

Posted By:db

lets see or hear about this "unique drawer glide system".????and where is the "ash accent border"??? i can't see any ash from does look like the top frame is mahogany though.

Posted By:Brian Sheldon

click the full size image, it is between the lyptus and sapele on the top.. and it's definetly lyptus, hand picked the lumber myself :)

Posted By:Brian Sheldon

Just curious, anyone know a value for a piece like this?

Posted By:David Liles

I was just wondering what you used to finish the table?


Posted By:David Liles

Wow. I'm going blind...
I just reread the post, and saw that you said you just clear coated it. You can disregard the last comment...

Very nice table though. I am definitely going to have to try to work with some Sapele sometime soon.

Great job,

Posted By:Brian Sheldon

Thanks for the kind words :)

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