Zen Garden Wood Sign

Listing #3267 Listed on: 04/21/2011 Company Name: Vision Engraving & Routing Systems
Name: Mark Member

Here is a sign we created using a Geisha design printed on Acrylic than cut out with a Vision 2550 CNC Router and DACS Camera.

The Geisha girl cut out is then inlaid into the wood.

The text and inlaid area in the wood is engraved out also with the same CNC Router.

We than painted, sanded and varnished the wood for that rustic garden look.

Will be thankful for any constructive criticism and thoughts?

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Posted By:Delaney
You're sign is spot on. What's interesting is the graphic relationship between the geisha and the text. It's a big deal to correlate those two on the same page, but you seem to have perfectly figured it out. Keep up the good work

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