Wood Rocking Motorcycle

Listing #3719 Listed on: 02/01/2012 Name: jerry

3 Photos
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Posted By:Gene
AWESOME!!! Way to cool, and VERY nice work. Some child will love that rocker...
Posted By:Bob
Where could I get plans for this rocking motorcycle?
Posted By:Jerry
I can't find them online anymore. I do have an extra set that I can get copied. I have made changes because the original ones didn't rock very well.
Posted By:Bob
I built one similar to this many years ago but cant find the plans. Would you be willing to sell me a set?
Posted By:Jerry
e mail wiep31@roadrunner.com
Posted By:Gwen Barnard
So glad I came across this post. I have been searching hi and low for these plans. If possible would you mind sharing the plans with me. gwen.barnard1971@gmail.com

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