"California Live Oak" Project

Listing #3752 Listed on: 03/01/2012 Company Name: Bayerlein Enterprise
Name: Kevin Bayerlein

Lumber was milled at the owner's property from fallen trees.

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Posted By:Mulligan
Please tell me that lumber was properly kiln dried.
Don' t get me wrong, It is magnificent in execution, great use of the grain and a really cool idea for a vanity, but if thats green lumber you'll be fixing that for forever.
Posted By:Kevin
Was clamped and air dried for four years prior to fabrication.

MC was 4% before fabrication.
Posted By:Richard Domke
I like style of use of natural wood. I recently acquired a large, leftover (mahagony, I think) section of a tree stump that a student brought to school for her sculpture project. It's quite weathered and appears to have been left out in the area where the land had been cleared several years ago. I hope to use it to experiment with making the main center "grip" section of some archery bows. The student told me that there's lots more stump pieces all over the area; I'll have to go check it out.

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