Custom Kitchen-Full Inset

Listing #3759 Listed on: 03/08/2012 Company Name: Best Cabinets
Name: dan

Custom cabinetry, full inset with a white perimeter and a walnut stained island in maple.

I am looking for manufacturer reps. and to sell direct in states where we do not have representation.

3 Photos
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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:chris hostetler
Incredible. A very well put together kitchen. Very clean with nice traditional details. I love it.
Posted By:chris
.... and the photography.. man it looks good. You can't tell me spending even $1,000.00 on shots like these is not worth it... again - nice work..
Posted By:Zach
Very nice! Great design.
Posted By:McKay
I really like how the curved ceiling sets off the cabinets.
Posted By:Robert Brewer
That is really a pretty kitchen. I'm in the process of completely remodeling a house and have stripped the kitchen of all cabinets and plan to use the pine from the former den walls to make the cabinets. Do you have any advice? I was going to buy the cabinets, but no one will use my wood. The paneling has been up for 57 years and is in perfect condition. I will take a table saw to get rid of the grooves and plan aboujt 1/8" off, then finish them natural. Is it worth the trouble to do what I plan?

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