Primitive Jam Cupboard

Listing #3766 Listed on: 03/10/2012 Company Name: Wood Lock Plans
Name: Kelly Snake Member

The Primitive Jam Cupboard is made from vintage barnboard pieces pulled from a 100+ year old barn. This cupboard is unusual in that it has no door knob. It has a spinny little toggle lock seen on front, but that is attached to the frame. How you open the door is to depress the knob found on the back of the cupboard. Its not total security, but it is fun and inspires questions from the inquisitive minded.

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Posted By:mike
So you need to move the cupboard away from the wall every time you want to open it?
Posted By:robert
Mike, if the cabinet is set a few inches from the wall it makes sense that you simply reach around and hit the magic button.
Anyway that really nice Kelly. I like everything about it. Great use of old timber. Way to go!
Posted By:JD
Hi. Very nice piece, I like the lock idea. I never knew you can get bamboo that wide? It's great wood.
Posted By:Kelly
Hi JD. The material is century old pine barn boards.

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