Walnut bench

Listing #426 Listed on: 10/04/2006 Name: urbanlumberinc

Company Name: Urban Lumber Inc.Here's a Black Walnut bench I just finished. It is made from one continuous slab; if you folded the legs up flat with the top, you'd have the original slab in original form minus the waste from the Box joints. All joinery was done with a chisel and a backsaw. Finish is 3 coats tung oil (so far), buffed with a clean cotton rag. Eventually I'll sanding seal and spray some poly to protect the wood. Bench is built from the walnut tree that stood in front of the C.O.'s house at Fitzsimmons Army Hospital before it was demolished.

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Posted By:Rick

Looks great so far, I especially like the fact that it resulted from recycled trees. It will be interesting to see your finished results.

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