small shelf

Listing #445 Listed on: 11/04/2006 Name: Mike Fade

Company Name: The Coopers Densmall book shelf. 5/4" frame and panel sides with birch ply shelves. dentil molding is off the shelf from my supplier. I live in North East Ohio, just wondering what you guys would charge for something like this?
thank you

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Posted By:Brian

Mike, nice work. It's a JPG, and jpg's are known for quality loss. Looks as if you saved it under a lesser quality or the website did it for you. If you have the original image file send me an email and I will help you post it here.

Posted By:Mike Fade

brian, thank you.
the pic is on my girlfriends computer, i will get over to her house and get you an email.
thanks again

Posted By:Michael Poster


Brian's right to a point, jpg's can lose quality as they are compressed, but what I see here is extreme. There's a link below pointing to some image optimization tips. You can also send me the image or point me to it on Yahoo and I can prepare it properly.


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