
Listing #477 Listed on: 12/08/2006 Name: Rick Mosher

Company Name: ArteficeThis is a house our company built a few years ago. It recently was put on the market for $100 million.
I got these pictures off the internet, we couldn't take pictures at the time we built it...

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Posted By:Shooter


Posted By:marc L

This is an incredible house! Awesome job, can you elaborate more on the home and the owner?

Just curious to know things like how long it took, more details about the home, and it would be neat to hear about the owner, what they do for a living to afford this home, and how they went about designing and having this place built.

Great job, you must feel so proud to have been part of this once in a lifetime opportunity. I would love to be a part of something like this someday.

Posted By:Rick Mosher

Here is a link to a web site that will answer any questions about the property

Posted By:Rick Mosher

This project went on for about 3 years. The company I work for built the property from the ground up. This is not an unusual project for us. We have done several similar properties at the lake but due to the privacy required by the owners we usually can't publish any info. This project just happened to go on the market and I noticed they were posting pix on the internet.

Posted By:Gary

Some people can't afford food or medicine or heat.......

Posted By:Will Z.

I respect the craftsmanship and effort but all the money in the world doesn't necessarily buy taste. Way too over the top for my liking. Send the owner to philanthropy school. Or maybe this was philanthropy to further the art and skill (and wallets) of some woodworkers.

Posted By:Eric

Wow excellent work. Must have been neat to work on this. This also explains why I can't afford Tommy Hifiger clothing. Thankfully my Wranglers are very comfy. The article is a must read.

Posted By:jeremy

Alot of the wealthy do donate a large portion of their money to charity, look at Bill Gates. As far as profit, that is not a bad word, no one was forced to buy the jeans, and I would suspect that if you work hard and make alot of money then you are entitled to do with it as you see fit.
No one expects us to sell custom cabinets for manufactured prices just because they can not afford it. The work is a true show of talent and a once in a life time project, give the man some praise on his work and step off the soap box. I bet if someone came to you with a
100 million dollar home they wanted work done in you would not turn it down.

Posted By:Michael V.

Ditto to JEREMY! Nice work! You should be very proud to be part of it!Mike V

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