Curly Maple and cherry desk.

Listing #622 Listed on: 03/29/2007 Company Name: Knotty by Nature
Name: David

Curly maple desk with cherry legs, with cherry border wrapped around top.

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Posted By:Alan Dreyer
I wouldn't use this desk. The wood grain is so beautiful, I wouldn't do anything to scratch the finish. I made two half-log benches, and the grain and finish is so beautiful, I don't put anything on them, lest the finish get scratched. What type of finish did you use on this desk?
Posted By:Chris
Very nice work! Two species that always work well together. As the cherry ages it will even pop more. Nice job.
Posted By:David
Thanks for the nice words! I used a krystal lacquer product by ML CAMPBELL (satin finish three coats).I have been using this lacquer for about 5 years and can not say anything bad about it.

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