cherry display cabinet

Listing #798 Listed on: 07/29/2007 Company Name: Petrullo Ent. L.L.C
Name: Mike

I built this cabinet to match an existing piece. It's made of cherry with a few walnut accents,all of the glass is beveled with the exception of the shelves.The finish consists of a washcoat of shellac, two coats of maple gel stain, and three coats of satin poly.I'm having trouble uploading the other photos, I'll get them up A.S.A.P.

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Posted By:brad statz
appears to be a well made piece. I have always loved walnut and cherry together in any way. the setting of the picture reminds me of an old time mom and pop store. nice work.
Posted By:Mike
Thanks for the kind words Brad. The photo is in fact set in a mom and pop shop, and my wife and I own it. It's a store front attatched to our home that was built in 1886.

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