Sontag home -Cherry fireplace and kitchen

Listing #888 Listed on: 10/21/2007 Company Name: Scott Custom Woodworks L.L.C.
Name: Jason Scott

Here are a few of the pieces from a recient project we have worked on. I will post better pictures after the owner has things cleared off. The Finish is 2 part stain on Cherry and CV for a topcoat.

Let me know what you think.
By the way the fireplace took 6 days to build and is 9'6" to the top of the center crown.

(No images available for this project.)
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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:Anthony
Impressive work
The ceiling beams are a little distracting
Posted By:Jason Scott
You are not the only one to think so. but thank you.

Posted By:SawDog

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