Thermwood Corporation

Rangate Adjustable Groovers | YEAR-END SPECIALS

Listing #549239 Listed on: 11/27
Details - Accessory for Sale
Category:Tool Room Equip.-Misc.
Price: $397.00
Type:New - New
Model:R2AG1600595 R2AG1600815
Location:BLAINE, WA
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:Chris [Contact]
More Info:Rangate Adjustable Groovers Year-End Specials
** Rangate Adjustable Groovers - Year-End Specials **

3 of our Adjustable Groovers are on Specials:

▶ Adjustable Thin Groover 5-9.5mm (R2AG1600595)

Cutter Diameter: 160 mm
Adjustment Range: 5 - 9.5 mm
Bore Size: 1-1/4"
Groove Depth : 25 mm
List: $695.95
Specials: $579.00

▶ Adjustable Groover 8-15mm (R2AG1600815)

Cutter Diameter: 160 mm
Adjustment Range: 8 - 15 mm
Bore Size: 1-1/4"
Groove Depth : 35 mm
List: $465.95
Specials: $397.00

▶ Adjustable Groover 15-30mm (R2AG1601530)

Cutter Diameter: 160 mm
Adjustment Range: 15 - 30 mm
Bore Size: 1-1/4"
Groove Depth : 35-40 mm
List: $495.95
Specials: $419.00

▶ Our Adjustable Groovers allow you to cut precise grooves which require no sanding or touch-ups, adjustable to nearly double width for each tool. Best of all, each 15-30mm Groover ships with spacers to enable one set to perform tenoning operations as well.

▶Our insert knife system with a fixed diameter and constant groove width ensures you can have confidence the groove will be the same each and every cut, and that the wear of continued use won't damage or compromise the tool.

▶These cutters comes fully equipped with NaDia diamond-treated solid carbide insert knives, which last 3-4x longer than untreated solid carbide edges.

Enjoy all our Year-End Specials here:

Rangate Adjustable Groovers Year-End Specials

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