Home Theater

Listing #1253 Listed on: 04/18/2008 Company Name: Alan Carter Studio
Name: Alan Carter

This large piece was a commission, placed in a very large room. I thought it might overwhelm the space, but the room was so big, it worked just fine. It’s made of stained mahogany plywood and solids, and birdseye maple. I generally don’t stain, but this was the shade they wanted and staining helped even out the color from the various sheets of plywood and solids.
The components are behind the door on the left. They installed an infrared remote sensor so the remotes would work with the door closed, cleaning up the look.

My original drawings were much more traditional, symetrical and all that, and they said to be a little more adventerous. Woo-hoo. Don’t hear that a lot, so it was nice to stretch a little. The biggest problem was assembling it in the shop. It went right up to the ceiling and took all the free space I had.

I also made the coffee table in front. I’ll post it right after this one.

See more at alancarterstudio.com.

3 Photos
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Posted By:Robert
Ive allways wondered what the reason was for calling something a "commission" as opposed to say a "customers cabinet".
Looks very nice either way.
Posted By:Josh
Wow you do beautiful work just got done checking out your website and I must say really nice. I think this is my favorite piece.
Posted By:Paul de Boer, Jr.
You know, I'm not usually a fan of this style-I'm much more traditional and into busy carvings- but I really like this peice. It is very well proportioned and looks great in the space. Well done.

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