w.oak and sapeele box w/ hinged lid

Listing #1672 Listed on: 12/31/2008 Company Name: Tool Time Tims, INC.
Name: sean titmas Member

this is my first attempt at box making. i used white oak for the sides, maple for the bottom and sapeele for the lid and miter keys. a stainless steel piano hinge secures the lid. the finish is ML Campbell Krystal Conversion Varnish. the interior will remain unfinished until i decide on a use for the box. i might turn it into a jewelry box with foam and silk interior compartments. the lumber was off cuts from previous projects and i have 10 hours in the making and finishing. i like the contrast of box making compared to my everyday work and plan on making many more boxes in my spare time.

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Posted By:rob
Very nice job!

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