Poor Man's Ruhlmann

Listing #1732 Listed on: 01/19/2009 Company Name: Divine Design clickdivine.com
Name: Gregg Novosad Member

Why is called "poor man's Ruhlmann"?
I used recomposed Ebony at $2 sf rather than real ebony at $14, and PVC sheets instead of ivory. I did however use some left over Brazilian Rosewood. And the aluminum strips were reasonable. Legs were poplar coated with black ink. I was playing around seeing if I could get a good production design, but called it quits. I couldn't dumb it down, too much grain matching for my business model.

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Posted By:Matt S
DANG, but you are prolific!!

Incredible work - as always!! I'd love to see what your production environment looks like, to see where it is that you do what you do (so well!!!)

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