Qsawn White Oak Bookcase, etc

Listing #1889 Listed on: 02/24/2009 Company Name: Chatsworth Furniture Co
Name: Andrew Castle

This piece was made for a customer who wanted a library area that looked old fashioned and with a somewhat industrial look. I ended up calling it "British Museum" in honor of my English Heritage and all the map drawers (for her scrapbooking supplies.)

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Posted By:kol
Very nice bookcase. I'm not a fan of oak but this looks great. Thanks for sharing.
Posted By:Jim Baldwin
Very, very nice.

I do think you're going to need a rolling library ladder to minimize the temptation to climb on top and stand on the lower chest?

My kids would start by opening the drawers and use them first to climb up
Posted By:Tyler Morris
Beautiful design and execution.
Posted By:Todd Borlang
This piece is beautiful both in design and execution. This should serve as an inspiration to any woodworker.

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