Craftsman Style Carriage Doors

Listing #2723 Listed on: 04/30/2010 Company Name: Schilkensen's Inc.
Name: Bob Schilke

# Carriage doors, 2 are 9'/0" x 8'/0", overhead types, and the one to the right is a true swinging door set, 8'/0" x 7'/2". All are done with Sapele, the 2 that are finished just have an oil finish. We just completed the install, so they haven't got to it yet. If you look closely at the unfinished door you'll notice that the bottom is cut at an angle. The contractor's level was off 1 FULL inch in 9'. Had to cut the bottom to get it level. Windows are true divide.

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Posted By:Don S.
Nice doors. . Are the rolling doors insulated? How heavy ar they and what knid of motors if any, do they use?
Posted By:Kerry Bennett
I love your doors. I am planning on building some insulated carriage doors for my new workshop. Would it be possible to obtain a detailed drawing of your doors?

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