Double Radius Stair

Listing #3168 Listed on: 02/19/2011 Name: Brett Rosario Member

Double Radius Stair

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Posted By:Jim Baldwin
Very, very nice indeed but...

I call these types of stairs "mirror image stairs" since "double-radius" already refers to single stairs built from floor plans of two different radii.

The "mirror image" term also applies to similar matching straight flights of stairs, whereas "double-radius" wouldn't do at all

The only improvement here would have been a pair of custom volutes with curved arms to match the curve and pitch of the handrails.

Honestly, on a job of this caliber, it's a blame-shame to use straight, flat factory volutes.

Of course the fact that I happen to make these things for a living makes be a bit opinionated on the subject (plug).

Still, this gorgeous job, which in every other way, approaches classic perfection, could have been much improved by custom volutes.

The fact that your customer may not know the difference is beside the fact.

Oh well, I guess I just resent being left out of these kinds of jobs...

Very, very impressive work overall.
Posted By:Brett
I couldn't agree with you more. I did this job several years ago for a stair company, I will not mention for the same reasons you have already covered. The company provided all the parts and I assembled it. All radius nosing I built and I bent all rails on site. There are also 2 radius balcony's that can't be seen in the pic, as well as a 3 piece stair on the backside of the landing all continuous rail. It took 9 days start to finish, another company came in to stain and poly the rails.

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