Oak Builtin Entertainment Ctr

Listing #425 Listed on: 10/03/2006 Name: Roger Kay

Company Name: Kayline Woods10' by 7' by 2' deep solid oak entertainment center. Power and easy component wiring with access through back to a wiring closet on underpanels. Hardest part was starting. Worst is the hidden panel work behind the screen. Waste of time but worth the pleasure. The Oak was cut and milled in 1972, finaly got to use some of it.

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Posted By:Clint Walker

Very nice. The TV looks great in there. Is there a shelf above the TV or will it remain open? Is that speaker cloth under the TV? Nice Job.

Posted By:Roger Kay

Thank you. Yes it's speaker cloth stretched on frames and inlayed in the bottom doors. The middle frame is removable for the base speaker and the side doors give access for all the components. The outside doors for tape/cd/junk. The clothe hides all the electronics nicely I think. As for above the TV, My wife likes is open since i have the room below designated for electronics. And i like to let a bit of the panel work show. (pride). Next Project,.. Blew out the laundry room from 6x6 to 12 x 12, time to make cabinets!

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