Something Fun

Listing #1003 Listed on: 01/09/2008 Company Name: DL Armstrong
Name: Les Hastings Member

Wooden napkin! Its carved out of Mahogany, was then bleached and white washed. I used a real napkin laying over a board for a model. i did over a weekend, took about 16 hours to carve. It was donated to raise money for the local art museum. The napkin was actioned off for around $800.00 if My memory serves me correctly. It was thin enough in places that light would shine through it. Really enjoyed making it.

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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:Tim Schultz
I really like your work.
The translucence is really cool.

I like your cowboy carvings too.
Posted By:Steven Hauser
Did you go to RIT?
Posted By:kol
This thing is a cool project. Very neat.

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