Tornillo(Maro Macho) driveway gate

Listing #1354 Listed on: 07/13/2008 Company Name: Tool Time Tims, INC.
Name: titmas Member

We made this gate for Tim, the owner of Tool Time Tims, from a South American hardwood called Tornillo (Cedrelinga Catenaiformes). We like to use the common name Mara Macho or the deceptive Brazilian Mahogany. It has properties and workability similar to that of Gen. Mahogany however it is denser and the dust is a severe irritant to the lungs and eyes. We used 10, 8 and 6 quarter wood with tongue and groove joinery to construct the frame and panels. We installed a welded metal frame of .5x2 solid flat stock into the backside of the gate for added stability. All hardware, bolts and hinges, are of stainless steel. The finish has two different color gel stains on different boards to highlight the wide array of natural colors and three coats of West Systems epoxy. The steel columns are 4"x4"x10' with 4' being buried into 3 yards of reinforced concrete footings. We have yet to finish the post wraps and latch and closers and will post more photos when finished.

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Posted By:Cristobal
Where was this gate installed?
Posted By:sean m titmas
it was installed at the entrance to the bosses house in SW Florida.

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