
Listing #1543 Listed on: 11/06/2008 Name: Henrique Chaudon Member

Small seat for meditation

4 Photos
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Posted By:Matt S
So the legs meet the seat at an angle, making the seat board not be parallel with the floor? (or is that an optical illusion based on the photos?)

If it is angled, which way is 'forward'?
Posted By:Henrique Chaudon
Dear Matt:
Yes, there's an angle. The foward side is the lowest.
I'll post a photo to show how to use it.
Thanks for the comment.
Posted By:Zuzu's Zazen
I have made those before - the user kneels and her feet go under the bench. It is made to bear the user's weight while in a kneeling position.
Posted By:Henrique Chaudon
Next monday I'll post a photo showing a friend of mine using it.
I do not have such flexibility...

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