Maple Toy Box and or Blanket Chest

Listing #2057 Listed on: 04/26/2009 Name: Greg

Made a toy box for my grandson and a blanket chest for the wife.The carvings and trim are made with a carve wright machine.I have a saw mill so I can cut my own wood

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Posted By:Les
Hello Greg
I am thinking about purchasing a carvewright machine. Is it easy to run and how is the finished product? Any imformation would be handy.
Thx Les
Posted By:Greg
Here's my thoughts.The machine cost like 1800...down load a couple things $$$
machine brakes down ...$$$$ .
better be machinal.
Does a nice job when its running.If I had a choice I would give it back to them if they gave me back my money.
Thats my opion.
save your money!!

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WalzCraft Original Saw