Weaver's Loom Bench

Listing #220 Listed on: 08/03/2005 Name: Walt Turpening

Company Name: Walter TurpeningA significant portion of my custom fitted chair business is with handweavers, handspinners and knitters. I make seating to comfortably position them at their looms, spinning wheels, etc. so they may weave, spin and knit to their hearts content.

A tapestry weaver came to me to make a loom bench she could use at her traditional loom and at her tapestry loom. She asked that the seat be woven in the colors of the color wheel. She picked the 6 primary colors and I then braided the cord to blend between them to create the bench seat.

Typically, weavers make color 'gamps' to test out color combinations in different weave patterns. Some 'gamps' are just color studies and use a high contrast warp like black. The weave pattern here is 2/2 twill in a chevron.

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Posted By:Jeffrey VanGiesen

Hello Walt,
Great work. Met you at the show in Prov. RI. You're good people. I still want to try to introduce your work to some of the designers that I work with. Just hasn't been the right opportunity yet. Keepin' my nose to the grindstone. Jeff

Posted By:Rose Anne
HI...Just stumbled upon your site and am very impressed with the loom bench :) Please tell me what your process & price is for ordering a bench for my Herald loom. Thank you,
Rose Anne
Posted By:Cherri
I am very interested in one of your benches. What is the process to order one and the cost? Your work is beautiful
Posted By:Mya
How do you measure for a spinning chair? How high should the chair be?

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