Mahogany Doors

Listing #221 Listed on: 08/05/2005 Name: Cy

Company Name: CyHere is a before and after pic of the falling apart steel doors that I replaced. I made the mahogany doors and painted pine jambs over the course of 2 years. Before M.S. took the use of my legs, and other functions, in mid "99" I was a professional woodworker. Adapting my machines and techniques so I could work from my wheelchair took a lot of the time. They look and function pretty good if I say so myself. My brother installed them while I cracked the whip. LOL

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Posted By:kol

Looks great! Awesome to see a woodworker with the dedication and love for the trade as you. Keep it up.

Posted By:Michael Alton

Is that your brother next to you? Just kidding. The doors look great. I have to admire the time and effort you have to put into the same tasks that we take for granted.

Posted By:db


Posted By:AD

Beautifly well done, your hard work is incredibly inspirational, thank you. Keep going.

Posted By:Robert Eckles

Nice tall are the doors they look short to me in the picture.

Posted By:Cy

You are correct, they are 76" H x 72"w. The custom size is part of the reason I decided to make them.

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