Hope Chest

Listing #2218 Listed on: 07/29/2009 Company Name: Kens Woodcraft
Name: Ken Ewald Member

This project was a labor of love. My granddaugter became engaged to be married, so I offered to make her a hope chest. Well, she's now married and it has become a cedar chest!

The frames are Walnut, with Hickory panels. Finish is brushed on / wiped off Deft satin lacquer followed by rubbing out with 0000 steel wool and wax.

I plan to make another one of this design using Mesquite for the panels and perhaps Ash for the framing. It will be for sale.

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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:Rachel Latham
That is a gorgeous chest and your granddaughter is very lucky.
Posted By:david urion
Nice job Ken. How much for one you plan to sell?
Posted By:Joe carter
Ken, I have looked at hundreds of chests and this is the one I am going to build. You hit this one way out of the ball park. Very nice job. Do you have plans for sale? How about your notes, I would settle for those. Either way, I am going to build something as close to this as possible. Hopefully it will turn out half as nice as this chest. Thanks for posting, hope to hear from you.

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