Brummett Cabinets

Listing #2354 Listed on: 10/29/2009 Company Name: posted for Country Cupboards
Name: Peter Kern

I am posting these for a friend who I helped with this job. He is not a big woodweb guy, but I felt like his work was too good to go unpublished. Work on the house included laudry room cabinets, two small baths and master bath, main kitchen, basement kitchen/bar. Mr. Brummett has been building cabinets for almost 30 years and runs Country Cupboards. It has really been a blessing getting to help him out here and there.

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Posted By:Open and shut
I notice the refrigerator sticks out of the cabinet - I have been seeing that a lot recently, including in a house for sale for nearly 1/2 million dollars.

Is that a trend or was there a constraint on the cabinet depth?
Posted By:Mulligan
Lovely cabinets.
But get back there and lose the 3-M sticky hooks!
Some dowels or wrought iron key hangers.
At the very least, some small brass screw in hooks!

Other than that quite nice.

Ps. Tell them to push the fridge in all the way the 1/4" flex pipe to the ice maker won't get crushed.

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