Arched top door, 6' x 8' x 10/4"

Listing #2656 Listed on: 03/19/2010 Name: Bob

This one I did 4 years ago in my old shop. Both doors are 96" tal & 36" true + 11/16" for the inside of the "T" shaped astragal. 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" HD BB hinges, radiused jamb head done with 1 pcs of 8/4" sliced & planed to 7/32", stacked 4 high with the grain matched ("V" on 1 side matched up) Imbua plugs, 1 in each panel inside, 2 for the outside. The panels are 1" true in thickness, the doors 2 1/4". Radius is 60".

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