Restoerd Mahogany Hutch

Listing #298 Listed on: 03/04/2006 Name: Axel Koch

Company Name: Waterborne.caThis is a mahogany hutch that was fully restored..

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Posted By:Matt Seiler

Funny running into you on this forum, too, Axel.

Which coating did you use on this?

Posted By:Axel Koch

This is a combination of waterbased stain #404 from Target Coatings followed by 2 coats of EM8800 sealer and a large number of coats (8 on the tops and drawers) of USL Gloss. The idea was to have the finished product look like the old hutch originally did.

The top grain was filled after the first coat of sealer by using some a natural coloured wood filler paste mixed with a touch of stain. From there I resanded and stained it again follwed by another coat of sealer and then the 8 coats of lacquer. The drawer fronts and doors did not get the filler treatment, the grain was not as open.

A considerable amount of the patina shown can also be attributed to the old stain that just would not come out of the pores in the grain..

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