Some of my guitars

Listing #305 Listed on: 03/14/2006 Name: Gary Scott

Company Name: GS Pro SeriesIts off the path here but I make guitars and thought I would post a few pics of them. Also some inlays ive done.

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Posted By:Axel Koch

Hi Gary,

Really nice work.. Can you tell us more abou the finsihes you've used?


Posted By:Gary Scott

Sure, most importantly of all I use 100% pure tung oil on my necks, and over all of the bass. It's extremely durable, never gets sticky and is very resistant against salt water (ie. sweat). For the bodies, I use a acrylic screen printing ink for the color. I mix that into a water-based poly that i get from General Finishes commercial line, to use as my sealer. Then top coat with the poly, usually 4 coats. I sand before the last coat either with a 600 grit wet or pumice, depends on how deep i need to cut. Oh and when the color is appiled i sand just to a basic 220 grit to start. Then build from there.

Posted By:Rodney Bird

WOW these are some very nice guitars that you have built! Very nice work!

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