2 of 3 slightly large doors just about finished

Listing #3100 Listed on: 01/20/2011 Company Name: Schilkensens Woodworking Inc.
Name: Bob Schilke

These are 2 of 3 exterior doors I'm just finishing up. I used 1/4 sawn Sapele for most of the components, the raised panels are "split panels", joinery is M & T, 3" deep held with Structan, the profile is Shaker style wuth a 15 degree angle. The glass will be 3/8" thick tempered with a 1 1/2" beveled edge. I'll post more pics of them once they're hung.

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Posted By:Don S.
Nice doors. How do you keep them from moving through the year? How thick are they? More info would be helpful Bob.
Posted By:Willy
Are those regular doors & you're actually a short guy? Hmmm. Big Doors? . . Or Munchkin Carpenter?
heh heh Still gotta admit I'd like them on my own house.

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