Small Timberframe

Listing #3223 Listed on: 03/31/2011 Company Name: Integrity Restoration and remodeling
Name: John Sheridan

This is a small 12x 16 frame we built and donated to an auction for a CSA farm My kids helped out .

Interestingly this frame was cut mostly with Hemlock that had to be cut down because of the wooly adelgid [A sap sucker] . Hemlock is prone to Shake but these timbers were so dry when we cut them that we didnt have any problems

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Posted By:Dave Nauman
Posted By:Russell Hudson
I though trolls were ugly little creatures. These are good looking.
Nice work, John.(both frame and kids)
Posted By:Albert Pollard
I love it. Out of curiosity, how long do you estimate the construction portion take?

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