Butcher Barn Dismantling Operation

Listing #3225 Listed on: 04/02/2011 Company Name: Maxwell Historic Preservation
Name: Dwight L. Dowson Member

Hand salvaging is possible. We managed to reclaim 95% of the barn. 15,000 board feet of re-usable woods.

Discovering a historic barn dating from 1860's here in Ohio is a relished experience. Constructed from hardwood native to the Old Black Swamp region, these timbers bear the mark of history through and through. Adz, auger, and maul formed the basis of the traditional methods used by journeymen from days of yore. Hand hewn and circular sawn facings, mortise and tenon Beech and Oak last a long time.

Carefully examining every piece, our crew then systematically dismantled the structure. Removing most of the nails in process was time consuming but reduced accidents.

Safety is very important since youngsters tend to explore.

Stahler Trucking and Leasing Company transported and stored the 15,000 board feet of salvaged wood. Now a fine assortment of historic material for your new project. Both affordable and practical for the barn enthusiast or restorationist.

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Posted By:John sheridan
Keep up the good work. You don't know what you got till it's gone.
Posted By:Dwight L. Dowson
Thank You Mr. Sheridan.

We have attempted to preserve history for many Generations here at Maxwell.

We invite you Sir and any of your Colleagues to discuss business with us.

937 304 6390

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