Master Bathroom Vanity

Listing #327 Listed on: 04/07/2006 Name: Byron Clinkingbeard

Company Name: Custom WoodworksHere's a recent project. Kinda thinking outside the box. The valance is 140" long and 20" high, all 3/4"MDF so it is heavy. Columns are turned of solid poplar and they were locally outsourced.

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Posted By:paul S


Very nice. Ilike that overhead thing

Keep up

Posted By:Michael Alton

Very nice. I like that you broke up the curved panels. I don't think I have seen that before.


Posted By:kol


Posted By:Brian Sheldon

Very impressive and I like how functional you made it. I took a look at your website and I'm very impressed; you do some really beautiful work. I saw you do a design charge and always wondered about that. In my past with other online businesses I've been stiffed from clients right in the consultation phase, and I know the feeling after spending hours with them! I'm in the process of moving from custom furniture sold to custom furniture and pieces built per order and I am considering doing the same exact thing. Keep up the great work!

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