A Thoroughly Modern Kitchen

Listing #3386 Listed on: 07/15/2011 Company Name: Hudson Cabinetmaking, Inc.
Name: Russell Hudson Member

They were an older couple and made an apartment from the top floor of her daughter's home. They took the largest room upstairs, turned half into a living room and the other half was for the kitchen. This enabled me to stand in one room and capture the kitchen almost entirely. This is one of those kitchens that could be photographed in a single shot. Few are like that and it's one of the reasons I have it in the gallery of our website.

I'd love to take credit for the design of this beauty but they had thought long and hard about what they wanted and he, having been an engineer, drew the floor plan and they told me it was to be very modern and blond in color. I'm happy having gotten the job amongst three cabinetmakers (and simply helped with the design).

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Posted By:Jay
One of the best design/layouts I've every seen. That is an awesome island. And what I like the most is there are no upper cabs. Thanks for posting.
Posted By:james mcgrew
Excellent work, looked at the carved doors on your site, did you carve those?

Good looking work!

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