Small Chippendale Chest

Listing #339 Listed on: 04/21/2006 Name: Bob W

Company Name: WoodmastersThis is a reproduction small Chippendale Chest recently completed as a wedding gift for our son--from a plan by Glen Huey. The reaction has been favorable enough that we're considering building a few for sale. I'd appreciate your feedback on the project and your input as to a realistic price for resale in the mid-west market.

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Posted By:Fred F

Looks nice Bob. I hope your son realizes what he has there.

Given the work that you've put into it, I could see that peice going for $1200.oo easy.

Posted By:tom a

2900 no less.

Posted By:Tom McIntosh

Looks nice. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but it looks as though you didn't stain the insides of the feet. You may want to do that on items that you try to sell.

Posted By:Bob W

Thanks for the kind comments. I notice that Eldred Wheeler offers a similar item at $1,695. My rough guesstimate is that we could profitably offer this at approx. $1,000 finished with pre-cat lacquer.

Good catch on the rear feet, Tom. As per the plan, the rear feet are poplar and since there is no stain on the chest they do show lighter. If you think that's objectionable, we could easily make the rear feet of cherry to match the rest of the base and eliminate that problem.

Posted By:kol

nice looking piece. need those feet fixed though. good job

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