mahogany door

Listing #347 Listed on: 04/29/2006 Name: andy p

Company Name: creekside cabinetshere is a 4 x 10 mahogany door that we did last summer. they just finished the house and varnished the door so i got a shot of the finished door on friday. andy

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Posted By:Ash

very nice andy. how many hours did you have total to build and install?how thick was this door?
I hope you charged lots of money for it.

Posted By:joe

awesome. it looks awesome

Posted By:andy p

thanks guys. the door is 3 inches thick but i don't remember how long it took to build. it was 6500.00 with the iron and install. contractor did the varnish and lock install. we did the inside casing ( custom my knife design ) about 6" wide by 1 1/2" inch thick. andy p

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