Cherry and Copper Cabinet

Listing #3726 Listed on: 02/06/2012 Name: Nate Penman

This is a solid cherry cabinet I recently made. The door panels are copper with a patina made from household chems.

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Posted By:cris
Posted By:JD
Very nice - love the patina. Which chemicals did you use? Was it "new" copper to start with? Thanks.
Posted By:Nate Penman
Yeah, the copper was new. I sanded it with 220 then cleaned it with laquer thinner. To get the colors I used a few Citric Acid, Vinegar, and Gun bluing, and also screwed around a bit with a torch. Fun project.
Posted By:George
Hi there! Late to the game, but hoping you can answer me...I love the piece and was thinking of offering similar to a client, but wanted to check the details first. It appears you didn't "balance" the panels with a like metal on the interior. Over time, did you have any warping issues, or did you deal with it in some other fashion? Thanks, and again, beautiful work!

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