Gates of Hell Cabinet

Listing #391 Listed on: 07/30/2006 Name: Gregg

Company Name: Gregg NovosadAfter visiting the museums in Paris, I was in awe at Rodin's Gates of Hell, which is inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy. I thought I would take a shot at a cabinet on stand version. This project uses moldings from Raymond Enkebol, burl from ebay, and 100 figures sculpted out of polymer clay. 240 hours, with most of the time in sculpting.

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Posted By:FORT

Great imagination,talent.To take a visual such as this to the finite is a real talent.Now, what do you produce to make a living?.

Posted By:Andy

Very Cool. The cabinet alone is beautiful craftsmanship. Adding the figures to tell a story makes this piece truly special. The attention to detail and the way you made the materials to work together is awsome.

Posted By:Gifford

very awesome piece! soooo much time invested! i wouldn't have the patience... :\

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