Raised Panel arches & walls

Listing #438 Listed on: 10/29/2006 Name: Robert Eckles Jr.

Company Name: Robert Eckles Jr. Custom WoodworkingWe made everything in this one Moldings,Arches,Panels,Railings,Garage doors and Built-ins. Very fun project

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Posted By:pete

Everything looks good. I would only suggest from a proportion stand point. Increasing the size of your rails and styles on the raised panel walls. The panels are overpowering and you loose some of the effect you are trying to achieve. No harm intended, just a suggestion.

Posted By:marc L

Very nice work Robert! Just wondering was this work all painted on site, and if so was it brushed or sprayed? It is hard to tell from the pictures, but the finish has a nice sheen from the pics, and it looks very consistent and professional.

Keep up the great work!

Posted By:Cliff Wieser

Its nice to see such graceful arches and curves, Nice work.

Posted By:Robert Eckles Jr.

No harm but I really like the 2 1\2 style and rail style. I played around with 4" and It didnt feel right to me .also I designed everything here it was nic being able to use what design I have.

All hand painted a great paint company they listened to what I had to say and it finished great.oil brushed

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